Healing your soul with Family Constellation Therapy is a great first step for rediscovering your innate peaceful self, which organically and naturally creates happiness. This beautiful, phenomenological soul work was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany post WWII. I use additional “changework technologies” from my quantum energy healing practice, and Conflict Resolution Protocol to deepen the transformations by relieving consciousness challenges for the Soul, which lasts lifetimes. [Scroll down to keep reading.]

PODCAST: Episode 57: The 1st Step to Rediscovering Your Happiness is by Healing Your Soul – Family Constellation Therapy Facilitator Annie Peterson-Kolatkar discusses how constellations can support children and their families.iTunes |  SoundCloud RSS  

family constellation therapy, advanced energy healing, Annie Kolatkar, healing your soul, family walking the dogFather’s Side

Father’s side, in the Universal sense, offers families strength in terms of providing for the family. Father’s side relates to how we put a roof over our head, food on our table and keeping the family secure and together. Events that occur to the line of fathers in a family can send a ripple effect down the line of descendants whereby they struggle in their careers, with money and finances, often creates back/spine problems, difficulty supporting themselves and their family and having emotional connection in marriage.

Mother’s Side

The line of mothers lends itself to cultivating love, marriage and relationships to others. Problems upstream, in the maternal ancestral line create discord in love, difficulty conceiving children, manifesting love that is deep and nourishing along with health problems specific to women to name but a few.

Children often get entangled with their parents and grandparents, in an unworkable attempt to try and fix them. This is done out of love and loyalty to the family system, to those who belong in the system –from victims to perpetrators, lost loves and more. These entanglements can be destructive to their health and happiness when they try to replicate what they are trying to fix. This is all unconscious and working as a hidden force in their lives. More entanglements reveal themselves in adulthood rather than in childhood because they have more liberty and resources to act out on behalf of the one they are trying to heal.

family constellation therapy, advanced energy healing, Annie Kolatkar, healing your soul, mother's sideMedical Constellations

The constellation format is an elegant system for exploring health issues and there is no limit to what to check in on. This process helps clients gain profound insights into their disease, the drugs or remedies they use, the emotions the body is holding onto and can give a voice to the root cause of any illness. This process, in combination with Conflict Resolution Therapy for the Soul creates near spontaneous healing.

How Constellations Supports Health and Wellbeing In The Family

When families work on healing the soul of the family, everyone benefits. Healing the soul of individual family members shifts everyone. Clearing soul level conflicts creates shifts in consciousness that raise the frequency of the individual consciousness…deceased or alive. As a result of the transformations, the quantum energy field communicates the updates “that things are healed” and all members of the family or persons involved experience the difference on both conscious and unconscious levels.

Are You Interested In Doing A Constellation For Yourself?

Constellations are fascinating experiences! The first time I attended one I was mesmerized and fascinated beyond words. As a facilitator, I see many personal stories, and no two are alike; and each healing has a glorious ripple effect in the soul of the family going forwards and backwards.

  • Have love and marriage work better for you
  • Gain clarity about your career and finances
  • Heal chronic or mysterious illnesses and other inherited diseases
  • Support children’s happiness and health
  • Interventions for children and young adults in life threatening situations

family constellation therapy, advanced energy healing, Annie Kolatkar, healing your soul, heart made from handsIf you want to work on healing your soul’s spiritual concerns:

  • Multidimensional constellations
  • Past life* constellations
  • Energetic body (P.E.M.S.) clearings
  • Multi-generational entity clearings
  • Reincarnation and Righteous Anger Re-Solutions
  • Learn what dimension you came through and where you are from
  • Soul Parts work
  • Angel Group/Trauma Healings
  • Soul Family Constellations
  • Unify All Dimensions
  • Healing Duality and Experiencing Oneness/Non-Separation

With pin-point surgical accuracy, I am able to find the spiritual root causes of Self and identify which energy bodies hold the consciousness challenge and “story” and release it. Identifying spiritual conflicts with others or where you may have gone into agreement with “life circumstances” it is now possible to release the conflict energies and heal the original pain and suffering.

Healing Your Soul With Family Constellation Therapy

I invite you to listen to the podcast above for more information. If you would like to schedule a constellation today, to work on healing your soul, please use the Contact Form here. I work globally over Skype or Zoom video conferencing. If you are in the Los Angeles area we can discuss working in person.

*I try not to use the phrase “Past Life” as I work outside of Time & Space, which does not have a past or a future. As a result, all lifetimes/incarnations, whether in a human body or not, are accounted for all-at-once in the present. Therefore, I prefer to use the phrase “Concurrent Lifetimes.”